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Download the file below and answer the following questions. This is to help prepare for the Autocad Exam scheduled for February 20th and 21st







1. Insert the block titled "Bathtub 60 x 32". What is the height of the bathtub?


2. What is the area of the bathtub?


3. What is the perimeter of the bathtub?


4. Scale the bathtub up by 2. What is the area of the bathtub now?


5. Keeping the bathtub scaled as it is in question 4, what is the diagonal distance from the top left corner to the bottom right corner?



6. Insert the block that looks like a double sink. Explode the block by clicking on it and typing "Explode (Enter)". What is the radius of the outer fillets?


7. Select the outside sink lines and fillets and join them together using the join command. What is the length?


8. Select one of the sink "basins" in the same fashion as question 7 and join them together using the join command. What is the area of one of the sink bays?


9. How many circles are there in the double sink block?


10. How many pre made blocks are included in the file you downloaded?







11. What layer is the yellow rectangle on?


12. What layer is the red rectangle on?


13.  How many of the colored rectangles are polylines?


14. If you selected all of the colored items in the drawing, how many lines are there?


15. Select the colored rectangles and make a copy of them. Take that copy and create a block from them. Name the block "Colored Boxes". What is the X,Y, and Z Scale of that block.


16. When you created the block "Colored Boxes," what layer did Autocad put it on? 


17. What command can you use to convert the "Colored Boxes" block into separate individual polylines / lines?


18. What layer is the orange circle on?


19. What layer is the blue circle on?


20. What layer is the red circle on?


21. Why aren't the circles the same color as the layer that they are on?


22. Using the (3) existing circles, create a new circle using the "tan,tan,tan," circle tool. What is the circumference of the new circle?


23. Using only the red and blue circle, create a circle using the "tan,tan,radius" circle tool with a radius of 21. This circle should end up between the existing circles. What is the circumference of the new circle?


24. How many total circles are there on the drawing now?


25. Insert the yellow rectangle block. What is the area of the block?


26. Take the original cluster of (5) colored rectangles and group them together. Make a polar array about the origin of the drawing. Set the number of items to "21." Then, explode the array into separate parts. How many polylines are in the array?






27. What is the line thickness of the red circle?


28. Create an inscribed hexagon within the red circle. What is the area of the hexagon?


29. Create a circumscribed pentagon about the red circle. What is the area of the pentagon?

30. What is the difference between an inscribed polygon and a circumscribed polygon?


31. Fillet the 4 corners of the green rectangle with a radius of 2. What is the length of the new polygon that it creates?


32. Offset that green polygon "in" a value of 1. What is the area of the new polygon?


33. Chamfer the corners of the yellow rectangle. Set the 2 chamfer distances to "1". What is the length of the polygon.


34. Scale the pink octagon up by 27. What is the area of the octagon?








35. What "units" is the current drawing set to?


36. What unit format is the dimension style set to?


37. What is the difference between the "units" command and "dimstyle" command?


38. Divide the top line of the red rectangle into 4 sections. Create (3) vertical lines using the nodes created by the division. What is the area of one of the sections of the rectangle.


39. Draw a line from the bottom quadrant to the right quadrant on the green circle. Trim the bottom right corner of the circle. What is the area of the remaining object?


40. Stretch the orange rectangle 5 units to the right horizontally. What is the new width of the object?


41. How many circles are inside the red circle? Do not count the red circle.


42. How many arcs are within the whole drawing? Remember, control+a = Select All.


43. How long is a single line on the cyan pentagon?


44. Rotate the blue pentagon 180 degrees. Draw lines from each of the endpoints of the pentagon to other endpoints through the pentagon. This will create a "star" shape. Within that star is a new pentagon. What is the area of the new pentagon?


45. What happens when you lock a layer?


46. How do you turn a layer off?


47. What are the 5 subtools under the "measure" tool?


48. Create a path array that duplicates the green triangle along the blue spline. Change the between spacing to "2". What is the maximum amount of triangles that will fit on the spline?


49. How many lines are on the "Hidden Layer"?


50. How many lines are on the "0" layer?








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